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Millionaire Mentorship Program Be Mentored by 38-Year-Old Self-Made Multi-Millionaire Conor Patterson. Find out more
If you are in debt, the Millionaire Mentorship Program will show you how to eliminate it. If you are in a job you hate, the Millionaire Mentorship Program will show you how to set up a better income stream so you can eventually leave your job. If you are in a job you love, the Millionaire Mentorship Program will show how to make more money doing it. If you are a property investor or business owner, the Millionaire Mentorship Program will show you how to grow your portfolio or company and automate it so you have more time for yourself. If you want to get rich then Wealth Mentoring is a short-cut for you to achieve your goal.
Yes, you can join one of the two Telephone Plans.
Wealth is enjoying Health, Time and Money. “Health” means having strong and clear emotional, mental and physical health. “Time” means having the time to do the things you love with those you love. “Money” means having as least your household needs met without working more than one day a week for it, but it can go up to having many millions. When you have Health, Time and Money and you enjoy having these things, then you have more Power for Good – you can make more of a positive difference to the lives of others. This is true Wealth.
Working less will give you more time to plan your Wealth Journey. This is essential to your success. You can plan to get mentored, you can visualize your future, you can look at how much you earn and spend, and the reasons why. You can start to make a change. If you have your head down working all the time then these things are more difficult to grapple with. Working less also means you have to be more productive at work – you cannot leave things until tomorrow because tomorrow you are on holiday again. So things get done better and more quickly. You have to learn to delegate if you can’t be at your desk all the time. And finally, you will have more time to look after your health which will make you more focused and able when you are at work. Work one day a week less than you already do and you will see the positive difference. Time is something you can never get back. When it’s gone, it’s gone.
Use the Fast-Track of Millionaire Mentoring and the MIA Wealth FormulaTM. Know your end goal. Have a compelling reason behind your end goal to motivate you during backslides. List your Ideal Life cost. Become a millionaire not for the money but what it makes of you. Save and invest at least 10% of your earnings. Invest wisely and for the long-term. Give yourself 5-15 years to do it. Use property and business. Learn from other millionaires – if you find one then question him or her as much as they will allow. Start using Wealth KPIsTM and measure them regularly. Use Success Indicators. Use Morning Chants. Team up with others that know more than you do. Protect your wealth. Spend on your education. Work on yourself then on your business. Set your own income with your Thermostat.
Platinum Service
Price: £5,600 GBP ($7,250 USD)
Gold Service
Price: £1,800 GBP ($2,350 USD)
Silver Service
Price: £1,400 GBP ($1,800 USD)